Była Miss zamieszkała ze starszym mężem pod Wałbrzychem. Teraz ma zimno w domu [WIDEO]

2019-01-28 10:17

Davina Reeves Ciara to była Miss Nowego Jorku z 2010 roku, która kilka lat temu przeprowadziła się pod Wałbrzych, gdzie zamieszkała z dużo starszym mężem, Ireneuszem. Niedawno parze urodziło się czwarte dziecko. Modelka, która próbowała swoich sił jako konferansjerka Sopot Top of the Top Festival 2013, mieszka na co dzień w bardzo skromnych warunkach. Davina Reeves Ciara pokazała swój nieogrzewany dom, czym zszokowała internautów

davina reeves


Autor: Facebook/Davina Reeves, Miss New York USA

Davina Reeves Ciara prowadzi vlog "Therapeutic Mama" na kanale Youtube, w którym opowiedziała ostatnio o porodzie w domu oraz o tym, dlaczego w jej domu jest zimno.  Małżonkowie i ich dzieci, by się nie rozchorować, muszą siedzieć w domu w kurtkach. Powodem tego jest zły stan okien oraz brak ogrzewania. Była Miss Nowego Jorku w nagraniu umieszczonym w internecie tłumaczyła, że ciągle odkłada na wymianę okien oraz na zainstalowanie porządnego ogrzewania.

Wyświetl ten post na Instagramie.
Okay so this is our New Year’s story...irek and i took the night off and went to Patrycja’s house for new years eve. My mother-in-law stayed with the 3 older kids (I know she’s hard core) but little did she know she was in for „vomitfest 2019”. Ina and ilia who were perfectly healthy when we left (as you can see from our lovely family photo) ended up with some kind of food poisoning. Ilia at least made it to the toilet...ina, however, was not so fortunate. Apparently she threw up ALL over her bed, herself and her new little mermaid sleeping bag she got from Auntie for christmas (that does not fit in the frickin washing machine). We came home to a silent house, sleeping children and a smell like someone DIED. My mother-in-law (bless her heart) didnt want to bother us on our date night so she didnt call. She deserves a gold medal for that night. Anddddd.....that could have been the end of the story iffff....i didnt wake up the next morning running to the toilet. I barely made it, and unfortunately vomited all the delicious chocolate cake i ate the night before...and that was the pleasant part. The worse part was that my entire body felt like i got hit by a train...every time i stood up i almost blacked out. We must have all eaten something horrible to feel this bad:-(. The worst part? When i even thought of the chocolate cake i brought home to enjoy today i had to run to the toilet. All in All it was a GREAT way to ring in the new year. And i mean it. i’ve never appreciated my health more than today. May this new year bring you health, growth and lots of family fun...but most of all may this year NOT find you over the toilet regretting your food choices:-). Ps...nowy filmik o noworoczny postawienia na youtube, link w profilu! #noworoczne #happynewyear #vomitingsucks #motherinlaw #rules #familygoals #newyearsresolution Pss.....Youuuu have no idea how hard it was to get everyone in this New Year’s picture... Post udostępniony przez Davina Reeves Ciara (@therapeuticmama)

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